[2017] Dynamics of Hydration Water Plays a Key Role in Determining the Binding Thermodynamics of Protein Complexes > 최근연구

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Research - 최근연구
    • 최근연구
    • [2017] Dynamics of Hydration Water Plays a Key Role in Determining the Binding Thermodynamics of Protein Complexes

      autohr : Song-Ho Chong and Sihyun Ham*
      journal : Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 8744







      ABSTRACT: Interfacial waters are considered to play a crucial role in protein–protein interactions, but in what sense and why are they important? Here, using molecular dynamics simulations and statistical thermodynamic analyses, we demonstrate distinctive dynamic characteristics of the interfacial water and investigate their implications for the binding thermodynamics. We identify the presence of extraordinarily slow (~1,000 times slower than in bulk water) hydrogen-bond rearrangements in interfacial water. We rationalize the slow rearrangements by introducing the “trapping” free energies, characterizing how strongly individual hydration waters are captured by the biomolecular surface, whose magnitude is then traced back to the number of water–protein hydrogen bonds and the strong electrostatic field produced at the binding interface. We also discuss the impact of the slow interfacial waters on the binding thermodynamics. We find that, as expected from their slow dynamics, the conventional approach to the water-mediated interaction, which assumes rapid equilibration of the waters’ degrees of freedom, is inadequate. We show instead that an explicit treatment of the extremely slow interfacial waters is critical. Our results shed new light on the role of water in protein–protein interactions, highlighting the need to consider its dynamics to improve our understanding of biomolecular bindings.






      Author : Song-Ho Chong and  Sihyun Ham*

      Journal :  Scientific Reports, 20177, 8744

      Publication Date : 2017.08.18 




      This publication is from Prof. Sihyun Ham’s lab

      [이 게시물은 관리자님에 의해 2018-06-15 14:34:50 최근소식에서 이동 됨]

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